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Objectives Of DIET

»  To bring about qualitative enhancement at all levels of education.
»  To provide academic research extension and training support in the field of school education throughout the district.
»  To provide academic backup, Leadership, guidance and suggestion for the qualitative improvement of primary education through     reorientation of educational content and practice.
»  To provide Leadership, academic guidance, suggestions to CRC,BRC.
»  To organize innovative programs for the propagation and dissemination for new trends and approaches related to education.
»  To provide academic support and guidance to teachers.
»  To create and publish educational Literature.
»  To organize creative programmers like Science fairs, Balmela, Ramatotsav at grass-root level to promote the overall development of     children.
»  Universalization of Primary / Elementary Education.
»  To organize various training programs for primary school teachers and to prepare self made educational tools.
»  To Provide training to primary school Head Masters, teachers, CRC, BRC, Gram Mitra, Educational Inspectors(Supervisors).
»  To arrange a system for Progressive development of BRC and CRC.
»  To undertake programs for non-ritualistic education.
»  To make lecturers to visit meetings arranged at C.R.C level & to provide guidance.
»  To improve, revise and upgrade the curriculum of training colleges with the changing time.

Functions Of DIET

A DIET will have 3 main functions
»  Training
»  Resource Support
»  Action Research

1. Training and orientation of the following target groups

»  Elementary school teachers (both Pre-service and In-service education).
»  Head Masters, heads of School Complexes and officers of Education Department up to Block level.
»  Instruction and superiors of Non-formal and Adult Education (induction level and continuing education)
»  Members of DBE and Village Education Committees (VECs), Community leaders, youth and other volunteers who wish to work as     educational activities.
»  Resource persons who will conduct suitable programs for the target groups mentioned at (1) and (3) above, at centers other     than the DIET.

2. Academic and resource support to the elementary and adult education system in the district in other ways e.g. by

»  Extension activities and interaction with the field,
»  Provision of services of a resource and learning center for teachers and instructors,
»  Development of locally relevant materials teaching aids, evaluation tools etc. and
»  Serving as an evaluation center for elementary schools and programs of NFE / AE.

3. Action research and experimentation

»  To deal with specific problems of the district in achieving the objectives in the areas of elementary and adult education.


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